I have a plan mapped out for the weekend, every weekend. It's all scribbled on my blackboard by the toilet door. It's Sunday morning 11am now and none of that on the list has been checked.
Woke up at 7am today. Somewhere in my heart I thought, a run would do me some good. So I had cereal with cut bananas for breakfast and a mug of coffee to jumpstart.
Stuffed, now can't run, so I thought maybe I'll wait for it to settle while watching The Artist. Give and take 2 hours so that means I will still be early for gym (anything before noon is good - to avoid parking woe in malls).
It's 11.05am now. I didn't finish watching The Artist because I got distracted with Twitter and one thing lead to another - clicked on someone's blog link and read all the posts incl archives.
Sidetrack - what is so great about The Artist? They won't capture people with short attention span segments into their list. You can't take your eyes off the telly for a second lest you risk missing a wink or a caption. It was quite challenging for someone like me who gets easily distracted and bored, to concentrate.
I have no point to this entry. Or perhaps, I AM subconsciouly trying to make a point?
Plan your life but live for the moment.
eg. plan for a run but watch a DVD instead. watch a dvd but update your blog. update your blog but go for a run.
The circle completes.
Yea I don't think that's happening. Or will it? I can be unpredictable sometimes it scares me. "Wha? How'd I get on this treadmill?" (Or so I'd like to imagine).
I planned to go for a swim this weekend.
*bunyik cengkerik*
so deep this entry.
Most award-winning movies are dreary. Don't think I ever finished watching The Pianist.
Hey! u started writing again!
How about your plan to update this blog?
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