Sunday, August 14, 2011

Delayed Luggage Update

Just realised I left to update this. MAS compensated every cent of additional charges I incurred after I hounded them day and night for it. It is sad though that had I left it just like that, so would they.

All these stellar services they promise are purely lip-service. They don't give a shit really unless you gave them shit, really.

Sad sad world we live in.


Hani AssAitch said...

yay, good for you!!

Leen AshBurn said...

I just read through ALL your entries and all I want to say is that: glad you're back!

waffles said...

hani: yayy. i'm not bitter anymore.

leen: you mean all 7 entries? hehe. thanks.. it's good to be back meroyan sorang2.