Saturday, September 03, 2011

You give me that loving feeling

Had a nice relaxing facial the weekend before raya.

Setting of the mood was perfect, the breathing automatically slows down while you lie on the bed lined with electric blanket, scent of something calming in the air, dark and quiet ambience, soothing music in the background.

Chloe my dermatologist, before she starts applying anything, she will introduce it to me..'I'm applying the cleanser', 'Now, toner', 'This is soothing eye gel'.

While I appreciate it, it kind of gets in the way of my sleep. I'm about to crossover, I come back, crossover, come back. See flickering light, FBI interrogation spot light turned on max.

Nearly took off soothing eye pad from my closed eyes, looked into her eyes and said 'Look man, I don't care what the hell you do to me .. but can you bloody shut up?' *puts back soothing eye pad and prays to god she doesn't choke me after this*


Dilaila said...


waffles said...

dils: i can imagine, she cabut earphone and whispers "i'm applying mask" and then sumbat balik.

Leen AshBurn said...

Hahahaha. What i usually do is ignore, sleep and snore kuat2. Mesti dia potong stim.

waffles said...

dah habis tu semua, pastu jual product yg i have already. kungfu kang.

fomfuen emo said...

Akak sah2 berdengkor time facial. Good thing the beautician takde plak nak give running commentary! :D